Proven Home Methods for Yeast Infections
Proper treatment of yeast infections does not always have to include medications, although many physicians would strongly disagree. Milder health problems have been treated with home remedies and herbal preparations since ancient times. More than that, many modern-day drugs contain the same herbs or their active ingredients as main components. So, when the time comes to treat something bothersome happening to your body, it is always a good option to consult the doctor first and ask about possible natural therapies. Sometimes, a combination of traditional and modern medicine can be exactly what the person needs to get rid of the yeast. Patients may also decide they want to heal naturally. That is perfectly fine, as long as their doctor agrees. Actually, natural remedies often prove to provide quick relief, without adverse effects or any harmful reactions.
Yeast infections can be very persistent and annoying but in most cases they are minor medical problems. To tackle them try yeast infection treatment at home, using common household things, such as garlic, yogurt, boric acid or coconut oil.
Garlic is widely known to possess antifungal and antibacterial properties. As such, it has been traditionally used against many infections. For yeast problems, garlic should be eaten one to two times every day. Combined with tea tree essential oil, garlic can relieve the symptoms of vaginal thrush.
Unsweetened plain yogurt is rich in good bacteria which can fight the overgrown yeast in the intestine. It could also be applied topically, rubbing some yogurt onto the afflicted area of the body. Probiotics have very similar effects to yogurt.
Compared to some prescription grade antifungal drugs, boric acid has been proven to provide better results in the treatment of recurrent yeast infections. This substance is known to work as an antiseptic and antifungal remedy and it can be used topically or in suppositories.
Although many believe that only women can develop yeast infections this is a mistake, for men can get it too. Coconut oil is a yeast infection treatment at home suitable for both sexes, which can be used as is, as liquid or in tablets.
People suffering from yeast infections have used several other home remedies for this problem, including oregano and tea tree oils. The main active ingredient of oregano oil is a chemical called carvacrol. The amount of this chemical substance determines the efficiency of the oregano oil remedy against the yeast. For yeast infection treatment at home oregano oil should contain about 68% of carvacrol. Active component of tea tree oil is terpinen-4-ol, which has been proven to fight yeast infections. Use diluted tea tree oil only. Rub the oil into the areas of the body affected by the yeast and it should soon demonstrate its antifungal potential.