What Do You Know About Candida Infection?
A normal human intestine is filled with bacteria and yeasts, including Candida albicans. This is one type of yeast fungus, found in perfectly healthy people. It lives in the mouth and intestines and normally does not cause problems.
Yeast overgrowth
However, certain changes in the body can promote the growth of the yeast and lead to Candida overgrowth (known as candidiasis). Imbalance after a stressful period of life is often accompanied by candidiasis and the same thing has happen to people who have used antibiotics or birth control pills for a long period of time. Sometimes, even a diet can affect the growth of this yeast, especially if the person has started to eat more carbs and sugar.
Additionally, drug and alcohol abuse may also be blamed for problems with Candida albicans overgrowth. Everything that can weaken the human immune system is also a potential trigger of yeast problems.
What happens?
People suffering from candidiasis commonly complain about oral or vaginal thrush and itching, but besides that there are a variety of problems this yeast can cause. Once the yeast multiplies out of control, it spreads beyond its normal habitats, gets into the blood and different parts of the body, provoking problems. The problem with too much Candida is actually related to waste products of the yeast. One of the main yeast metabolites is acetaldehyde and this chemical substance is blamed for different health issues of candidiasis patients. Symptoms can be very unpleasant and patients may experience gas, tiredness, pain in different joints or an increase in body weight.
Oral thrush is very frequent health problem, as we mentioned earlier. Small white lesions located inside the cheeks are the most common signs of oral thrush. Under the lesions, the skin is red and quite painful, while corners of the mouth can be cracked or red as well. Other patients experience painful thick lesions on the tongue, gums or on the roof of the mouth. Further advancement of oral candidiasis can lead to painful or problematic swallowing or even to increased body temperature.
Treating just the oral problem in most cases does not lead to permanent solution and patients experience the same problem over and over again, until they tackle and solve systemic Candida albicans infection. In fact, a combination treatment plan for systemic candidiasis and natural remedy for oral issues might be the winning option.
Natural oral thrush treatments are proven to be less likely to affect the liver than prescription drugs. People suffering from oral candidiasis have reported that several drops of essential oils can do wonders and ease mouth pain. For this purpose, naturalists advise taking 2 to 3 drops of essential oils of:
- spearmint
- peppermint
- chamomile
- tea tree
- lavender.
Combinations of these oils should be beneficial, too. Use the oil or oils in the same way you would use any mouthwash and then spit it out. Extra virgin coconut oil can be used in the same way, since it is known to possess antifungal properties.